Auto insurance is a complicated business and some of the auto insurance reviews you will read are complicated as well. The best way to go about understanding auto insurance reviews is to make sure you are familiar with the terms. After all auto insurance is a legally binding contract between your car insurance company and you so doesn't it make sense to understand what your obligations are before entering into that contract?
You will see numbers like 50/100/25 when you look at your auto insurance policy. Do you know what these numbers mean? If not you should. They are the limits your insurance company will pay out in the event of an accident. The 50 stands for $50,000. This is what the insurance company will pay to one person in the event of an accident. The 100 stands for $100,000 and this is the maximum amount that will be paid out to everyone involved in the accident. The 25 means you have $25,000 dollars worth of property or liability insurance.
Only you can decide if these limits are enough to protect your assets in case of an accident. You can be held liable for any amount of money that exceeds the amount on your car insurance policy.
The other important thing to know about auto insurance reviews is that not all of them are truthful. Some people may have an agenda about their specific insurance company, but it may have been the drivers fault. This is why you should not be swayed by a small sampling of reviews. Look for trends over hundreds of reviews before choosing your policy.
The bottom line is that when you choose an auto insurance review web site to help you decide on a car insurance company you need to make sure you understand the terms of the policy being offered and make sure the reviews are not biased one way or the other.
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