By the end of the year a reporter from a popular auto insurance company claimed that auto policy rates are likely to increase by up to 30%. Fraudulent claims are increasing compared to the real auto insurance claims. This has affected the insurance companies leaving them with no option but to increase their insurance premium. If you are considering modifying your car, be ready to settle any high premium rate.
Your premium can increase by up to 10% if you choose to modify your car with either of these alloy wheels, spoilers, tinted window or adjusted engines.
Thinking of modifying your car will not only make it unique but it will become a target to theft or burglars. As you think of car modification it is important you think of the consequences. Your Premium is likely to increase because your insurer will see your car as a big risk.
It is amazing to know that 70% of auto modifications are done by women. The young drivers are advised to be careful on how they modify their cars because it will have a negative effect on their account. This is usually seen in individuals with low financial status.
However, there are insurers who offers reduced rate for car modification. You can get connected to these insurers using the internet.
Change the look of your car but endeavor to insure it. You will have no course to regret provided it is having an effective coverage from a trusted insurance provider.
Where to Get the Best Car Insurance Quotes for Your Modified Car?
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